February 1, 2012

HealingHeartPower Newsletter

Reclaiming the Power of the Heart
In This Issue
Loving Another Person on Their Own Terms
Workshops: Community As Healer and Willingness: The Key to Successful Relationships
Women, Emotions and the Heart
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About Linda
Me and Flora

Linda Marks, MSM, is pioneer in body psychotherapy who has developed, taught and practiced Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) for more than two decades.

Author of LIVING WITH VISION and HEALING THE WAR BETWEEN THE GENDERS, she co-founded the Massachusetts Association of Body Psychotherapists and Counseling Bodyworkers and is the founder of the Boston Area Sexuality and Spirituality Network. She holds degrees from Yale and MIT, and has a vital 16-year-old son.

To find out more about Linda . . .

 HealingHeartPower Calendar
Would you like to learn how to do Emotional Kinesthetic Psychotherapy(EKP)?   

If you would like to apprentice in EKP, you may want to consider participating in a half-day EKP workshop or be part of the Community As Healer group.     


March 2

Willingness:  Loving Another

Person on Their Own Terms

at the home of Margaret Arndt and David Sneickus

Newton, MA



Community As Healer

Open enrollment workshop

Newton, MA 1 - 4 pm


April 22

Voices of Boys and Men

Benefit Concert for

Boys to Men  New England

Scullers Jazz Club

Boston, MA    

If you would like
to train in EKP, contact Linda.
If you would like to sponsor a Healing the Traumatized Heart workshop, a Community As Healer workshop, or have a group of people who you would like to bring EKP to, please contact LSMHEART@aol.com.

To find out more . . .   



WelcomeArticles in this issue are:  "Loving Another Person on Their Own Terms," exploring what it really means to love someone so that they feel loved, "Women, Emotions and the Heart," how important emotional well-being is for heart health in women.
Willingness:  The Key to Successful Relationships is evolving into an "on-going dialogue workshop."  Margaret Arndt and David Sneickus will host a third Willingness workshop at their home in Auburndale  on Friday, March 2 at 7 pm at Margaret and David's house.  The theme this time will be "what does it mean to love another person on their own terms?"  Contact msarndt@verizon.net for more information.
To help raise the visibility of EKP, I have established a new HealingHeartPower meetup group.  To join our meetup group....

I have created a new Community As Healer group on Facebook, for people who want to be part of or support this healing work.  http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Community-As-Healer/192746177418410
You can also "like us" on our HealingHeartPower  Facebook page. By "liking us", you will be notified whenever a new blog post is published.

Your comments and feedback are always welcome!    



What is EKP?
EKP is Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy, a heart-centered, body-centered psychotherapy method Linda Marks developed and has taught and practiced for nearly twenty years. Working with the heart, touch with permission, the wisdom of the body and the intuitive guidance of the spirit, EKP creates a special sense of intimacy that deeply touches and transforms most all who participate.

Participants can be "client," witness or helper as an individual group member has a "turn" to do deeper heart-centered, body-centered psychospiritual work in the center. Since the electromagnetic field of the heart extends out 10 - 12 feet from our bodies, as we go deeper and open our hearts, we are all touched.

EKP helps restore our capacity as organs of perception. The skin is our largest organ, and a source of soul deep knowing, perception and expression. When our hearts and hands can work as one, we move beyond defenses safely and respectfully and find freedom, connection and expression.


Beige silk and pearls
Linda Marks, MSM


Emotional safety is the foundation of EKP.  When we are emotionally safe, we are more aware of feelings, sensations and deeper thoughts in our bodies and hearts.  You will have a chance to listen to and care for your heart as you help create and hold a safe healing space for everyone's heart.  Experience what we mean when we say that in EKP, "when anyone has a turn, everyone has a turn."


Find us on FacebookLoving Another Person on Their Own Terms


What makes you feel loved? 


Do daily phone calls make you feel connected or hounded?


Does a home-cooked meal feel like loving nourishment or being smothered?


What feels loving to one person may not feel loving to another, even when there is good intent behind a gesture, words or action.


We often think what makes us feel love is universal.  And there are surely some universal elements to feeling love.  However, our "loveprint" may be as unique as our fingerprint, and for a friend or partner to learn our love pattern or even love language, inquiry and dialogue is often necessary. 


To read this entire article...


Copyright 2012 Linda Marks

Workshops:  Willingness:  The Key to Successful Relationships and Community As HealerlFind us on Facebook

This winter, I will be doing two workshops periodically, one on relationships at the home of Margaret Arndt and David Sneickus in Auburndale, and Community As Healer here in Newtonville.  The next Willingness relationships workshop is on Friday, March 2.

Willingness:  The Key to Successful Relationships:
Loving Another Person on Their Own Terms

How do we create and sustain happy, healthy relationships? Nowhere in school, at work or in our families are we given a road map of how to create successful relationships and how to work through the inevitable obstacles that come our way as intimacy deepens...or just through the way life unfolds.


Willingness is the key factor for happy and healthy relationships, and with along with coaching and professional support when needed,  is the foundation for sustaining a loving relationship. In the March 2 workshop, we will explore the difference between what we "think" love means and what makes a partner "feel" loved.  We are each unique individuals, and what makes one person feel loved may not make the same magic with another.


We will explore basic human needs, gender differences, communication skills, balancing self-care and care for others, and the power of conscious appreciation, in a lively dialogue.  Contact Margaret at msarndt@verizon.net

***************************************************************************************************************   "Community As Healer  Workshop" 

In EKP, there are four roles:  client, therapist, witness and helper, and when anyone has a turn, everyone has a turn due to the impact of the cardiac energy field.  Workshop participants will have a chance to be helper and witness as well as client, so in any one turn, more people can be actively involved.  By being with others in the healing process, one might say the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and each individual benefits from the healing work of others. 


Women, Emotions and the Heart
In my work, the relationship of the emotional heart to the physical heart is very clear.   When someone is sad, their heart may be heavy.  When someone is happy, their heart might feel light.  When someone is nervous, their heart might be tense.  As someone feels emotional relief, the tension in their heart relaxes.

When a woman experiences stress, his brain speeds up and a lot of blood flow goes to the emotional part of the brain.  She's designed to be emotionally activated under stress.  This leads to feelings and a need to talk about what she is feeling.  If a woman does not talk about what she is feeling, her stress level goes up.

                                            To read the entire article...

Copyright 2012 Linda Marks  
My first blog at www.heartspacecafe.com/blog will still be active, but it is built in forum software, which many people find more cumbersome to use than official "blog" software.

In an effort to cultivate more dialogue in more contemporarily relevant ways, my new blog at HealingHeartPower.blogspot.com is user friendly, and even something you can subscribe to.
Please let me know what you think of this new blog.


Linda Marks

email: lsmheart@aol.com
phone: (617) 965-7846
web: www.HealingHeartPower.com